Boo Camp 2018 Archive Page

DATE: Oct 26-Oct 28 2018 (Potluck Dinner & Friday evening dance through lunch Sunday)

Bands: Avourneen (CO) and Rusty Tap (NM)

Caller: Peter Johnson (CO)

Location: North Campus, Hummingbird Music Camp
104 Hummingbird Lane,
Jemez Springs, NM 87025-9304
(website) (google map) (Boo Camp Map)

2018 Boo Camp features local and regional callers and bands. The schedule will include a Friday night potluck, concert, contra dancing, couples dancing, singing, jamming, Camp Gathering, Raffle, and the much adored Boo Ball.

Lodging options include private cabins, semi-private rooms, bunk house, and camping.

North Campus hosts a wood dance floor, residential style kitchen, and beautiful scenery of the Jemez Mountains.

Schedule! (updated 10/12/18)

Registration Now Open!

Register before Oct 19 to avoid $10 late fee

Super Volunteers

We are looking to have a number of community members help us with various tasks before, during, and after the weekend. Some of the roles we have in mind are: Venue Prep, Setup, Registration, Potluck & Snacks, Teardown, Venue Departure.  If you’re interested in being a staff member (you’ll receive a $60 discount) please contact Stacey and Ben before registering. Update: We have 1 SuperVolunteer position available: potluck and snack manager.


Lodging selection is on a first come first serve basis. Please email Ben on August 16 or later if you would like to register for a Private Cabin as there are only seven available. Due to the limited nature of the Cabins we limit registration of cabins to two or more people. Update: There is still one Private Cabin available: Bunk Bed & Double Bed (Sleeps 3-4).

The Semi-Private rooms consist of two twin beds and a sink, with toilets and shower stalls off the hallway.

The Bunk House has bunk beds in two large open areas, one for each gender. Restrooms and showers are shared.

The Private Cabins,  Bunk House,  and a limited number of the Semi-Private Rooms are located on South Campus near the dining hall. All other lodging options are located near the Dance hall

Tent and RV Campers are recommended to camp on the North Campus to access the restrooms and showers of the Semi-Private dorm halls.

This year we are featuring a sliding scale, pay what you can, admission methodology. 

How the System Works

Pay What You Can: You choose how much you can afford to pay to attend Boo Camp, starting with a minimum of $20 on top of housing costs. We trust you to consider carefully your means in relation to the cost of putting on the weekend and to be generous if you can.

What Boo Camp Costs: $55 is the actual per person cost of putting on Boo Camp on top of room and board which ranges from $61 to $131 ($39 for food, 2$ for insurance, and $20-$90 for the different lodging options).  This assumes 55 attendees. The $55 covers paying talent and other miscellaneous expenses – everything from flyers to decorations.

If you can’t afford to pay $55 on top of room & board, that’s fine. We want the weekend to be available to everyone, you included. Pay what you can afford (minimum $20).

If you can afford to pay $55 on top of room & board, please do so.

If you can afford to pay more than $55 on top of room & board, every dollar goes towards supporting other attendees and making Boo Camp a viable, accessible, and awesome weekend. ($90, for example, makes it possible for someone who can only afford the minimum to attend.)

Please note: If you can only afford $20 on top of room and board, we hope you will come. That’s why we’re doing this after all. But… if everyone chose to pay the minimum of $20, the weekend would lose about $2000, and even more if we have low attendance! (Yikes!) We’d strongly prefer for that not to happen. So think about what you can pay and please be generous.

Boo Camp Flier

Hummingbird High Quality

Hummingbird Campus Map Image

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New Mexico Folk Music and Dance Society