Santa Fe Dance – June 25

Saturday June 25, 2016

Open Mic Callers
SF Megaband – Music

Odd Fellows Hall 1125 Cerritos Road 7:00 pm new dancers,

7:30-10:30 Dance
$8 members / $9 non-members, students half price

Santa Fe Dance Committee, NM FolkMADS

Contra Dance Santa Fe, June 11

Saturday June 11, 2016

Katherine Bueler – Caller
Adobe Brother – Music

Odd Fellows Hall 1125 Cerritos Road 7:00 pm new dancers,

7:30-10:30 Dance
$8 members / $9 non-members, students half price

Santa Fe Dance Committee, NM FolkMADS

Why I Contra Dance

Local caller Merri Rudd posted this gushing appreciation of our dance community in our Facebook group. With her permission we are sharing her note.

SO proud of our folk community! At last night’s 2nd Sunday English/contra dance, a family of 2 adults and 4 kids showed up because Mom wanted her family to dance with her on mother’s day. The dancers didn’t miss a beat, asking them to dance, gently showing them a few moves, and making every single dancer look beautiful. The sprightly music didn’t hurt either! Mom told me, with a sense of wonder, “You all are so welcoming. Thanks for a very fun evening.” Thank you, Gary Papenhagen, Deb/Tom, Bob/Nancy, Bob/Linda, Kit/Mary, Meg, Erik, Emily, Lynn, Rodema, Tim, Jay, Wyn and all the others who made it a special, fun night and made my job as caller very fun too.

If you helped out and Merri forgot to include your name do know that you were very much appreciated!

FolkMADS at UNM International Folk Fest

FolkMADS participated in the University of New Mexico International Festival on Apr 14, 2016 from 10:10-10:30. Caller Erik Erhardt led the dance with student band Rusty Tap.  The ensemble includes Juliana Huestis (fiddle), Russell Berman (guitar/mandolin), Kyle Dee (guitar), Ryuichi Nakayama (bass/vocals) and Clara Byom (piano/accordion/clarinet). Students and staff joined this participatory “street style” dance.

Special thanks to Cicely Ann Schuring, FolkMADS-UNM President, for arranging our participation in the event, for being there early to hand out business cards, and for pulling in dancers.

We’re continuing to build our presence at the University.  We’re looking for more student officers for the next year, as well as volunteers to help advertise and make connections for joint activities with other student organizations.

20160414 FolkMADS-RustyTap UNMInternationalFestival
FolkMADS-UNM at the UNM International Festival on Apr 14, 2016. Erik Erhardt calling with Rusty Tap, student band.

New Mexico Folk Music and Dance Society